Scio Diamond

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Diamonds for Industry


Lab-grown diamond materials in industry

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Not every diamond has the clarity, color, shape or size suitable for fine jewelry, but is highly valued for industrial use. Diamond’s astonishing thermal conductivity, very high band gap energy and extremely wide optical transparency come from the strong chemical bonds between carbon atoms and make it ideal for many industrial applications.

Scio Diamond produces diamond material with chemical, physical and optical characteristics identical to mined diamond material.

Diamond Characteristic Scio Diamond High-Quality Mined Diamond Difference
Metallic Inclusions none none none
Zoned Fluorescence none none none
Artifacts none none none
Magnetism none none none
Extreme Hardness 90 GPa 90 GPa none
Thermal Conductivity 2 x 103 W/m/K 2 x 103 W/m/K none(1)
Thermal Expansion 0.8 x 10-6 K 0.8 x 10-6 K none
Optical Transparency Deep UV to far IR Deep UV to far IR none(1)
Electrical Resistivity 1016 Ohm-cm 1016 Ohm-cm none(1)
Compressibility 8.3 x 10-13 m2/N 8.3 x 10-13 m2/N none
Bulk Modulus 1.2 x 1012 N/m2 1.2 x 1012 N/m2 none

(1)Scio diamond may be superior to mined diamond in these categories

We produce diamonds for:

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Machine tools for turning, milling, and cutting
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Ultra-precision machine tools

Diamond edge scalpel
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Scalpel blades for medical procedures

Optical Glass
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Optical transmission windows and lenses

Ultra-precision machine tools for turning, milling and cutting

Monocrystalline CVD diamond is the best material for cutting tools for hard materials. This includes diamond-tipped bits and blades, as well as other tools for highly precise processing and finishing. Our diamond material is in tools often used in the automotive, aeronautical and IT industries.

Ultra-precision machine tools for turning, milling and cutting

Monocrystalline CVD diamond is the best material for cutting tools for hard materials. This includes diamond-tipped bits and blades, as well as other tools for highly precise processing and finishing. Our diamond material is in tools often used in the automotive, aeronautical and IT industries.

Scalpel blades

Scalpel blades made of single-crystal diamond offer a much finer edge than stainless steel. Our diamond material is in scalpels used for ultra-fine medical procedures such as ocular surgery.

Optical transmission windows and lenses

Optical windows offer the ultimate in transparency for scientific and laboratory customers. Our CVD diamond material has the same optical properties as mined diamonds, with transparency from deep ultra-violet to far infra-red. Diamond material is often used in fiber optics and spacecraft.

We deliver business value

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Scio Diamond works with companies in construction, machinery, auto manufacturing, medical devices, science and research, mining, stone cutting/polishing, aerospace and transportation, producing diamond material that meets stringent requirements.

Our stones are made in the USA, in a highly controlled laboratory environment, using superior materials and the most precise equipment.

We will deliver CVD diamond material with the characteristics and tolerances your business needs every day.

Our stones:

  • Can be replicated quickly

  • Are the same size and color

  • Have been grown using proven formulas

  • Meet your technical requirements

Custom products for our customers

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We will help you refine your product specifications, such as technical polishing requirements, dimension tolerances, growing plane requirements, dopant types and levels and more, so that we supply exactly what you need.

Here’s how we partner with you:

  • You provide initial specifications and descriptions, including any drawings, samples or previous equipment.

  • We will work together with you to carefully design the diamond-based material that we will grow in our laboratory

  • We will develop a prototype of the diamond-based material for you to test in your facility

  • After testing is complete, we will produce the quantity of diamond material that you require to meet your production quotas

How to buy from Scio Diamond

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Please tell us about your interest in Scio Diamond products.

Colorless rough

Scio Diamond sells diamond material as whole crystals, the roughest form, directly out of our growers, which is pure single-crystal diamond surrounded by poly diamond. These are ready to be finished for industrial applications.

Colorless rough

We also sell diamond material as single-crystal cores, in cubes or round cylinders, with the poly diamond removed by laser. These are ready to be finished for industrial applications.

Contact Scio Diamond

Please use our product inquiry form to ask about purchasing from Scio Diamond.


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