Scio Diamond

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Diamonds for Jewelry

Elegant fine jewelry

Whether it’s an engagement ring, classic studs, a tennis bracelet, pendant, necklace, bangles or another style of elegant jewelry, lab-grown diamonds are the ideal choice for today’s savvy shopper.

Lab-grown diamonds are chemically, physically and optically identical to mined diamonds. The only difference is that they are produced above the earth in a matter of weeks, rather than grown deep in the earth for centuries.

Scio Diamond produces and sells rough diamond single-crystal cores that can be turned into brilliant gems for jewelry. Our colorless diamonds are Type IIa, the rarest type. And, our gemstones are more economical than mined diamonds, which makes it possible to get a larger or higher clarity stone or save money with an equivalent quality stone.

Our highly controlled laboratory setting for growing diamonds is ideal to produce identical stones for fine jewelry. Mined diamonds have subtle differences, making it challenging to find two or more matching stones to place side-by-side in a single jewelry design or in coordinating pieces.

Fancy color diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are available in the same fancy colors as the most precious mined diamonds. While most people are familiar with colorless diamonds, the very rare fancy color diamonds are the most valuable.

Some pink diamonds, from the only mine in the world producing pinks, cost well over $100,000 per carat. Last year, a 5.5-carat oval-shaped fancy vivid pink diamond sold for $9.6 million … that’s $1.7 million a carat. Scio Diamond sells beautiful lab-grown fancy color pink diamonds at a much more affordable price.

How to buy from Scio Diamond

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Please tell us about your interest in Scio Diamond products.

  • Polished pink diamond

    Through Renaissance Created Diamonds (our joint venture with the respected jeweler, Renaissance Diamonds), we sell finished gems, cut and polished by artisans and certified by the International Gemological Institute. Renaissance Created Diamonds sells loose finished diamonds that are ready to use in the elegant settings of jewelry designers and retail jewelers and also sells beautiful finished jewelry that retailers proudly sell in their stores.

  • Colorless rough diamond

    Scio Diamond sells diamonds as whole crystals, the roughest form, directly out of our growers. This is pure single-crystal diamond surrounded by poly diamond. These are ready to be finished into dazzling gemstones.

  • Colorless core diamond

    We also sell diamonds as single-crystal cores, in cubes or round cylinders, with the poly diamond removed by laser. These are ready for cutting and polishing into gems for beautiful jewelry.

Learning the 4 Cs of a diamond

The International Gemological Institute (IGI), Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the American Gem Society established universal standards on which to evaluate and grade diamonds … the 4 C’s … color, clarity, cut and carat weight. These standards apply to both lab-grown and mined diamonds.






Facets are the flat faces on the gem, and the way they are cut into patterns determines light performance, or brilliance, sparkle and fire. The quality of the cut, whether round brilliant, princess, marquise or another, is established by the final proportions, symmetry and surface finish.



The weight or size of the diamond is measured in carats. One carat weights 1/5 of a gram. While carat is one indicator of value, some diamonds that weigh the same may not look alike because of how they are cut.



The absence of blemishes and inclusions within a gem gives it a higher quality. Flawless gems have no visible inclusions when magnified 10 times. The clarity scale evaluates the number, size, location and nature of blemishes or inclusions.



Diamonds come in many colors. While colorless stones have been considered the most valued over time, fancy color diamonds like pinks and yellows are growing in popularity. Lab-grown pinks are proving to be a great value because of the scarcity of mined pinks.


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